Console Repair

Repair vs Refurbishment. What's the difference?

Sometimes I'll be given an old console that is broken and has stopped working, say a Playstation 2, for instance. It won't read discs anymore, sometimes, a refurbisment, cleaning it all out properly and reassembeling is all the console needs to be able to read discs again. What if that doesn't work though? Then it is a repair job.

The repair job means disassembling the console, in the instance given, a ps2, finding issue, for example, the laser is weak or burnt out. I then need to track down the matching replacement part, assemble the console, test the new part and then, if needed adjust it as required.

This process, takes alot more time and money, and some times, if the part is too old, or, simply just not made anymore, alternative methods of fixing the console may be required. This could be a matter of jerry rigging a slightly different model part to work in the console, completely removing the part and swapping it for an alternative modificaition; for example an optical drive emulator or hdmi mod for an old console

Depending on the repair, would determine the cost, however, most modificaion parts have a set price.

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